
Espia a una transexual cachonda y divertida dispuesta a disfrutar contigo Te haré explorar mi cuerpo de fantasía y haré que nunca me olvides,…Honesta, respetuosa, soy una dama muy cariñosa. Me gustan los hombres románticos, caballerosos, espontáneos y que sepan tratarme como una mujer.Spy a fun hot and horny transsexual ready to enjoy with you I will make you explore my fantasy body and I will make you never forget me ,…Honest, respectful, I am a very affectionate lady. I am fond of men who are romantic, chivalrous, spontaneous, and who know how to treat me like a woman.
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I like everything, gifts, jewelry, clothes, shoes, details that I love, big details, big tips and that will make me very happy.
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