

I am Lolla and I am 21 yo.
I`m a very sensual and sensitive girl who enjoys being on the cam in front of you and sharing some little intimate things;)
My body is fully natural, I have no fillers on my face and no implants in my body. It`s not a thing to be proud of, but I am just very grateful to my parents for their amazing DNA:d
Besides being a sexy camgirl I also really enjoy yoga, my chess classes, dancing, camping at the mountains and high-quality rest. Yep, I am that girl who regularly spends hours in the spa:d
I have tons of ambitions and plans for my life. My immediate goal is to move to the USA and enter a university. Get a psychology degree. This is how I could start my YouTube channel to talk about mental health. The further goal is to create an app, an easy source to help people with anxiety, with focus issues, in crisis situations such as panic attacks or smth and et cetera.

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My work for now provides my life and helps me to get closer to my goals. So all your support is essential for me and thank you for that!
I am also very empathetic and feel people a lot. But I also really care about my comfort, especially here.
So t


rudeness, insults

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